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Everything posted by Centes

  1. Centes

    Eternity guild

    Hi guys, I'm a new player, returning after a long time and looking for a guild to with some good vibes. ° what can you contribute to Eternity? I like trying (but usually failing) in ranked, but my main occupation in the game is to run a pension. I can provide EVs, Level up and capture services, giving top priority to the other guild members. ° what is your real life and ingame name? My real life name is Ugo, my ig names are Centes (for my old account) and Nhiote (the account I'm playing with a friend now, to get reaccustomed to the game with him) ° how old are you and where are you from? I'm 27 and I'm from Reunion Island, in the Indian Ocean. I live in France now, tho. ° discord tag? how often are you online there? Nhiòte#9124, I'm pretty much on there everyday, even though I'm not always such a chatterbox, you can count on me usually being around. ° screenshot of your trainercard Thank you for reading me, I hope to make a fine addition to your guild !
  2. Centes

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? I recently got back to the game and started again from the beginning with a couple of friends. My current IGN is Nhiote, the old one I have is Centes (Finished the game with the old account, I believe) 2. Number of hours played? 400 hours with Centes. Just about 5 hours with Nhiote. 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Hum... Hard to say. I guess Volcarona might be number one though. 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Back in the day, I used to run a pension service for my old guild (Specific capture, EV training, xp some mons, that king of things). 5. How old are you? (Optional) I'm actually 27 years old. Since I got back to the game with some friends, they will most likely follow me into the guild (If I'm accepted), once we all get our third badge. I'll be playing the story alongside my bros, but I still intend to use my old account to provide services for the guild and get back to some pvp action.
  3. Start aerodactyl if it's still there
  4. Hi, I would like to buy that Blastoise : and that Ferroseed : if they're still up for grabs. My IGN is Centes, just like on the forum. Thank you :)
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Centes ● How old are you? 24 years old ● Are you active in Discord? When I have reason to, I can manage but I'm not always the best conversation starter (I'm secretly shy) ● Where are you from? I'm from France (Reunion Island to be more specific) ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? Over 200 hours, just hit it recently after a long break, I came back to the game 4-5 days ago I think. I was at Kanto's League and now I just finished Hoenn + Dragon Medalion quest. ● What are your goals in PRO? -Get those pvp coats, because they're the bomb. -Manage to get a whole team of decent (not epic that would be crazy) shinies...That I like. -Get my hand on those sweet legendaries (I'm especially looking at you, doggy trio ) -Be the very best, like no one ever was ? ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I want to feel like I belong somewhere and you seem to be an active guild without being overwhelmed by a sea of people I'll never have the chance to have a real discussion with because any message immediately drowns with the rest. So I don't exactly know how many you are but you seem to be more approachable, organized and...Genuine I guess ? I think that's about it in a nutshell. [Edit : Also forgot about it while typing, you were my first choice when I got back to the game but I hadn't cleared the game-time requirement at the time) ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Wow...It's a tie between all Shinx and Gastly evolution tree. Also Rayquaza if you include legendaries and the great doges. ● What's your favorite animal and why? I have to say cat, because otherwise mine might just exact some kind of revenge on me. I can't deal with that right now !
  6. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? -Centes 2. Number of hours played? -125 hours played 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? -Damn...It's a tie between Gastly, Shinx and all their evolutions I guess. And Rayquaza if you count legendaries. 4. What country are you from? -I'm from France, even though I came from Reunion island, in the Indian ocean (I don't suppose the name is any different in english, but I could be wrong. Geography isn't my strong suit). 5. How old are you? -24. 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) -September 15th
  7. Hello, I'm not really sure that I'm in the right section, but I wasn't really sure where I should put this (I tried to check if someone already talked about it, but I could have missed it). I saw there were some day care in place to help people to up their pokemon. I also saw that we had shops, but it can be hard to find exactly what you wish for. My idea is the following : I would like to open a shop where people could come and ask for some specific pokemon, with the IV and nature wanted. Basically, it would be a shop of catchers, allowing people to make as specific demands as they see fit, as long as they can pay for it. I don't really know how this kind of things work and I would have lots to do to bring this idea to life, but I was wondering if it would be possible and to ask where I should put this on, when it's ready for the Grand Opening ? Thank you for your time !
  8. Héhé, aucun souci alors, j'ai juste libéré ce pauvre Léviathor de l'emprise du tyran qui l'avait forcé à évoluer 8) Du coup je vais avoir l'air d'un imbécile, mais je suis allé sur le lien, j'ai fais un petit compte et tout, mais je ne sais pas du tout à qui m'adresser, ni même si ce que j'écris sur le chat est visible :x
  9. Bonjour, je serais intéressé pour rejoindre votre guilde, parce que jouer à Pokémon seul c'est comme...Ne pas avoir d'amis..? Je suis un jeune ayant la vingtaine et suis presque aussi à l'aise en anglais qu'en français et je réponds au nom d'Ugo (Sanzache, c'est mieux :Ambivalent: ). Je ne sais absolument pas combien j'ai d'heures de jeu (et ne suis pas trop sûr de comment le voir ? ) et je suppose que Discord est un genre de vocal propre à PRO ? J'ai un micro et même si je ne suis pas forcément le plus bavard au premier abord, une fois apprivoisé, les choses changent. Pas difficile à vivre, je cherche un groupe dans lequel m'intégrer pour pouvoir procurer mon aide et en recevoir, me trouver un rival (qui sait ? Il faut bien se motiver) et j'espérais trouver mon bonheur dans votre guilde. Vos events sont intéressants et vous avez l'air de rechercher/d'avoir une mentalité assez proche de la mienne. J'en suis à mon 5ème badge (Soul Badge) et mes pokemons sont aux alentours du niveau 40-50. Voilà voilà, si vous avez la moindre question, je suis à votre disposition :y: Edit : Est-ce grave si mon Gyarados n'a plus Trempette ? :(
  10. Hello, everything is in the title ! I'm looking for decent ones, with IV around 100-130 or even some greater ones (even thought I'm not sure that I have the cash). I don't really care for the nature, I'm just replacing trashy pokemons on my team :x Waiting for your offers, hopefully !
  11. Hi ! I'm a new player on this game (Both wonderful and terrible sometimes, but I still love it). I love it, even though I can't always agree with all the choices you made. I'm French (but not on purpose), and I'm quite the unlucky fellow. I've never seen any Shiny in my entire life and I'm starting to think it's an evil plot designed to make me look like a fool. I hope I'm here for the long run, because pokemon is my drug. I don't really know what to say to properly introduce myself, but don't hesitate to ask anything you might find useful. :thanks:
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