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Everything posted by Masterjedi

  1. hello, I need the legendary event move quest the heatran quest, the Mew quest, the zapidos quest. Discord: Masterjedi#6708
  2. Great service. Leveled and ev trained 11 poke in 2 1/2 days.
  3. Hello, I would like 12 poke leveled and ev trained. Discord: MasterJedi#6708
  4. Hello, I need Hoenn/Sinnoh story & both subway quests.
  5. Congrats Kyriakos1995, you have won the auction. Do you have a discord?
  6. 7 hours left - Ends 9:32pm MDT. B.O is now 4.8M by Kyriakos1995.
  7. Bump. Poke is worth 10+ mill if evolved with iron barbs. 95% chance that it does. 5% chance it rolled hidden ability and be worthless. hate the game not the player lol.
  8. Noted. There is only a 5% chance that it would roll hidden ability and not iron barbs if evolved.
  9. The God Ferro S.O 3m Min bid 300k The auction will end 72 hours after the first bid. Discord: MasterJedi#6708 In-game user id: MasterJedi
  10. S.O 600k Min bid 100k Auction will end 72 hours after the first bid. Discord MasterJedi#6708 In game user id: MasterJedi
  11. Congrats mate, you've won. Lmk when you are in game. Discord: MasterJedi#6708
  12. S.O 700k. Min Bid: 100k Auction ends 72 hours after the first bid.
  13. Selling a good shiny boss team poke. Best offer is currently 3m Minimum bid 200k Insta 6m Auction ends in 72 hours.
  14. Can you do it for 500k?
  15. Let me know when you’re online. I’m ready haha.
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