Type your valuable comments :Grin:
[glow=red]1-) Automatic Country-specific chat channel[/glow]
Players should be directed automatically to the channel of their country which would be indicated by the player at the Character Creation Screen. This will reduce clutter in all of the channels and of course the player can join the other channels should they wish to do so later on.
Instead of players should be within a system option. For example, spanish players could be put right into a spanish-all channel by selecting an option indicating they are spanish at the start of the game, the text doesn't need to be translated so early on, this would just allow the players to be put into appropriate channels.
[glow=green]2-) Multi-language support[/glow]
It's incredibly troublesome but eventually as the game grows more and more the need for multi-language support could be useful should PRO live on. It's been suggested before, and it'd obviously take some re-working of the NPCs everywhere and the game etc, but it'd be an awesome feature to include eventually.
[glow=blue]3-) Placement for Poke ID[/glow]
A placement system for the Pokedex ID number of each pokemon in the PC Box, this is useful for plenty of people and you can't find some pokemon very easily (Example: Nidoran M/F) and a bit of a selfish reason [Pokedex Service that I provide]
[glow=gray]4-) Stuff for Flash[/glow]
Cut and Rock Smash have been replaced by items, and flash isn't used all that much outside of caves, so perhaps a flashlight could be created as an additional shop item.
[glow=purple]5-) Evolution of Pokemon[/glow]
Every possible method of evolution for every pokemon should be added to the pokedex. This will cut down on /most/ questions involving evolution methods or needs and naturally PRO has some custom evolution methods which you can't find by google.
[glow=black]6-) Starters should be untradable[/glow]
Starters should no longer be tradeable and for good reason, they are every persons first pokemon for each of the three regions and should be considered as "soul-bound" in layman terms of an MMORPG environment.
[glow=yellow]7-) Specific system messages[/glow]
A automatic system should be available as an option to select as [yes/no] for people who are on a new account/new server on PRO in case they are new, it could give information as they need it, like when you get the headbutt TM a system message could be shown to that player informing them that you can use it after first badge, or for Dig you can use it if the pokemon that knows the move has a certain happiness, etc. In addition, the system will send a message to every player on a specific time-rotation of something small like 10-20 minutes from the moment they login with information relevant to PRO that could be useful to know.
[glow=orange]8-) PvP Matches[/glow]
The same player shouldn't be able to rematch each other continously for Ranked PVP Matches because it allows for abuse, at night times this can be a problem. A time-limit should be put in place if you've won against a certain player so you aren't matched against the person you just beat.
[glow=pink]9-) Automatic screenshot taking button[/glow]
A lot of us use IMGUR for uploading screenshots and use various 3rd-party programs to accomplish the need of taking screenshots but a automatic button would be much more useful for the ingame client, examples are F2-F10
[glow=navy]10-) Official Discord[/glow]
Once upon a time Discord was official and a lot of players miss those days, a lot of us don't like IRC and honestly a lot more is slowly able to be accomplished as Discord matures as a program. Discord can be misused but if you require players to verify the email for the channel to be able to speak/etc then it could solve most trolling problems, and Discord Staff could be like IRC voice/half-OP, which wouldn't directly relate to PRO staff and require PRO Staff to be forced to branch off even further.
[glow=darkgreen]11-) Guild Logo-Upload[/glow]
It'd be nice to be able to upload a guild-logo which would be resized to fit the need of the over-head guild-logo, pixel-painting isn't the most fun thing to do.