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  1. 1. Yes i can see myself getting back into the game to play for a long time to come. 2. more so willingness to help as a veteran pokemon player and love for PRO. id like to support others through the game just like the community has me. 3. Im fairly active on discord, i do work a lot but can easily still manage to play the game when im off work and/or have the free time to do so. 4. I play pretty frequently now with having better pc to work on it. all depends on my work schedule but can easily let the guild know when im available. My IGN is Drindra
  2. Hi there my names Drindra IGN: Drindra Hours played: 360hrs and 10 minutes Favorite pokemon: Lycanrock Dusk form Country: I'm from the USA Age: I am 24 years old Server: I'm on silver server I'd like to joint the guild and find other people to play the game with and enjoy pokemon. Learning more about pvp but mostly a pve person. Always down to try pvp though!
  3. Is this guild still recruiting?
  4. My name is Drindra I've played over 222 hours in game My favorite Pokemon is Noivern I'm 18 and my bday is 06/13/XXXX I hope that I might be able to join this guild and look forwards to hearing from you. I also have discord and am actively there.
  5. Name in pro: Drindra Favorite Pokemon: by far I'd have to say noivern. Hours played: 222 hours Age: 18 Pvp: have not pvp but am willing to learn. My main goal with pro: to enjoy the game as an MMORPG and get to play one of my favorite games of all time the way I feel it should be like. Pro gives me the great aspect of the game that I've loved so much and I want to just get better in it as well as Pokemon in general. I hope you consider my application for this and hope to maybe here from you guys. Thanks for the time
  6. Hello, my name's Drindra and I'm looking to find some new friends to play with. Was hoping someone would help me out or lead me to where I might be able to find some. Thanks
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