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Everything posted by 1crakoo

  1. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I would like to participate. 730H, red server<br/> <IMG src="https://i63.tinypic.com/120qc6x.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. We are frozen for 1h. Nobody want to dc. I won because of numbers of alive poks. Please, repair this annoying bugg. -.-
  3. ok, thx. You can close this topic :)
  4. Hi, I have a problem with acces to Trainers Valley. I defeated Red before Johto story. Now I have acces to Love Island (120 caught kanto poks and 40 evolutions), and I still don't have "Trainers Valley" in Saffron station. I think I have bugged account. Please quick answer and thanks for help.
  5. bump :Cool:
  6. bump :Grin:
  7. Hi, I want to sell this timid ev trained noivern. Waiting for offer
  8. Hi, I want to sell it for 2m or trade for two epic pvp poks. This venosaur is ev trained (deff/hp). Im selling this, because I haven't got much good, pvp poks. It could be milotic, ferrothorn, h.a talonflame, togekiss (or offer something )
  9. nick: 1Crakoo I want to win this beautiful and usefull mouse, because I use old and almost break one. This will be usefull for me not even to play awesome Pokemon Revolution Online. Greetings from Poland :)
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