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Everything posted by Mat1122

  1. Re: Epic h.a bold SLOWPOKE (with 31 spd outspeed other Slowpokes) <r>350k <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. Re: WTS Epic Gothitelle bold h.a <t>2.1 still leads?</t>
  3. Re: WTS Epic Gothitelle bold h.a <t>aw.. don't risk my name!<br/> 2.1m</t>
  4. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <t>Since Buzzn backed down his offer when I've accepted, I've decided to cancel the auction.<br/> Vexen, you can contact me in-game to negotiate if you want.</t>
  5. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <t>Bump again! 20h remaining!</t>
  6. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <t>Bump! 40h remaining!</t>
  7. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <r><QUOTE author="Buzzn"><s> </e></QUOTE> As told in-game, I will think about it, mate.<br/> Thanks!</r>
  8. Re: Auctioning H.A. Bold Gothita <r>C.O. 2.5m Zinzin<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/dcd99cb5f2db4b8190ad3e53f6fa09bc.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  9. Hey, guys, will sell this gothita for a 48h auction (initially). RULES: -Auction can end earlier if some offer is great for me -The Insta buy will be defined soon, since none seems to know exactly the price of this Pokémon. -Offers for Insta are welcome, and will be Considered -If any problem happen, i reserve the right to withdraw the auction -In-Game bids will be screenshooted and posted here, to keep the safety of the bidders -Any problem, please contact me IG
  10. Hey guys, after some grinding i've found the mystical Shadow Tag Gothita. how much can i get on her? thank you in advance!
  11. Man.. leveling for Elite Four is nothing! Like people said, the grind starts when you want a rare pokemon (Sableye, Gothita can spend 8h+ without finding one) with the right nature (50%) with Hidden Ability (5%) with good IV's. My fingers hurts just to think about.
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