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Everything posted by Sloth84

  1. What is your Discord tag? [Example @DiscordTag#1234] Sloth#3069 How often do you use Discord? I use discord every day If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I would add a chat channel for each server
  2. WTB a chespin h.a impish careful pm me if you have :thanks: :thanks:
  3. bump for free shiny xD
  4. 1m fast trade pm me ingame
  5. good shinies but im not going to offer xD
  6. count me in . ty for g.a
  7. wtb sableye prankster impish ivs def spdef hp 20+
  8. I wtb snorunt
  9. wtb a bold clone bulbasaur 500k budget
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