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Posts posted by Sahtiar

  1. There are differences from the official games, but huge majority is currently based on gen 7 - Sun/Moon. This game will never be the same as any of the official games, which means you will have to adapt and come up with different strategies.

  2. I like the bosses alot but I think 50 bosses was just a bit to much. 20 seems way more reasonable. It is a rough change but I think it is for the good.


    What I dont understand and agree with is the 7 day cooldown for 20 bosses. Shouldnt it be 12 day cooldown like the boss cooldown? Currently you can still do 40 bosses in 14 days. Current restriction is stupid. It changed from 47 bosses in 12 days, to 40 bosses in 14 days. Not to mention 5h frame each week in which the bosses have to die if you wanna do it each week.

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