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Everything posted by Trollplayz

  1. Sorry Sasha, next time I'll make the auctions a bit longer! better luck next time
  2. Forums shows a different time for me than what it actually is and so i ended up confused. auction was over before susha bidded so i cant accept the bid to be just. skullbuster wins, auction is over! sorry for the confusion ;-;
  3. But idk what to do with skullbuster's bid, is it ok if we wait a bit for him to reply in case he wants to outbid? Like wait an hour and then if he doesnt reply you win I should have said that auction extends for a bit if someone outbids last minute ,my bad @skullbuster , @Sushantkm
  4. You were just in time, auction ended now. @Sushantkm
  5. Anywhere is good mate, i suggest you just add me on discord when youre online so I see it quickly
  6. Auction has started and will end exactly 2 days from this time, thanks
  7. auction canceled on 24h if noone bids on this as well
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