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Everything posted by Kratoswar21

  1. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 329 - Kratoswar21. Is a very Good Game!!!</t>
  2. Kratoswar21


    Re: Guild "América" (Idioma: Español) <t>Hola soy nuevo aqui y de verdad me gusto mucho este juego quisiera unirme a la guild mi ID es Kratoswar21 y tambien soy de venezuela y ando igual que dantoshi saben que pasa con el server?</t>
  3. hello as I am new to the game, I think they should do events to capture special pokemon as those in the anime such as the Crystal Onix or the Pink Pokemons or Gengan and Alakazan they were sealed, Snow Snorlax and Gold Sodowodow and as mentioned at the Crystal Onyx, should also make the Crystal Cave, would be amazing
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