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Everything posted by Riccatt

  1. PRO Username: Riccatt Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Looking for an answer in the forum without any success. What have you already tried to solve the problem? As you all know, these are the benefits of being a membership player. 1. Bonus 50% EXP! 2. Double Money Gained! 3. Access to Members Only Areas 4. Early Access to various Pokemon! 5. Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts (From various Quests and Shops ingame) (This is not the Coin Shop)! I bought the membership medallion, and I am gonna use it shortly (not now because I have univerisy exams ahahah). What I would like to know is which are and where I can find those "various Quests ingame" that you can see at point 5. Thank you in advance. Description and Message
  2. Bergmite is in cave? and when can catch him? i dont wanna waste time on time when he cannot be caught. Glaceon. Do you know in which areas can I find Bergmite and Buneary? I have never find them in the game, so I can't use the pokedex to figure out which is the precise area. Thank You.
  3. Bergmite, Buneary and Glaceon. Which of them are catchable only by PRO membership players?
  4. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 499<br/> Thank you! You are realizing my dream of a all-regions pokemon game! I love you staff!<br/> ign: riccatt</t>
  5. Ciao ragazzi! Potete invitarmi per favore? :) Edit: scusate, mi ero dimenticato di avere già scritto ahahahah
  6. Ciao, mi chiamo Riccardo, qualcuno può inserirmi in gilda?
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