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About Maleficent

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  1. I'm looking for one, this one is acceptable. I will buy insta, please pm me here or ingame. Thank you :D
  2. Hello, please help me check the price of my Talonflame, Thank you.
  3. Shadow Tag and Arena Trap are two different abilities. Arena Trap can only trap a hand full of pokemon while Shadow Tag can trap everything. Nothing else will be voted upon in the near future so try to enjoy PvP as it is for now. Thanks. Shadow Tag can trap everything? Really? As I remember Shadow Tag can't trap Ghost type, like Arena Trap can't trap Flying type. Yes they are two different abilities, but their effect are equal. So why ban one but spare another? I just feel like it's not fair for Shadow Tag, it got banned just because ppl hate it. (I'm against the ban actually)
  4. Shadow Tag banned, hey, how about Arena Trap?
  5. My vote is don't ban Shadow Tag Try to have a Gothitelle in your pvp team, you will see it's not that useful at all. I have tried one in my team and it's definitely the last useful pokemon and sometimes a waste of slot. Gothitelle only good again some special-attack staller like Blissey, Venusaur, Clefable. And every offensive or Dark type or U-turner, Volt Switcher, Roarer pokemon can counter it easily, like literally. In my opinion, Gothitelle is easy to counter than the combo of Blissey and Slowbro, or even Talonflame force everyone to carry a rock type. So why ban a pokemon if you can counter it in many ways? The meta game now is full of similar stallers and it looks so boring to me, and all you can think of is ban this and ban that? God just free them, I want to see a meta game that's full of surprise and creativity, not like this. The reason Smogon banned Shadow Tag is because Gothitelle can hold choice item then use Trick to swap to opponent, this way it can break everything, this call Literally Satan Gothitelle. But in PRO, Trick is not working. Finally if you ban Shadow Tag, then Arena Trap has to be banned as well !
  6. Bug in PRO: both user and opponent are trapped How it is supposed to be: user still can switch out, but the trapping effect will fade away after. Hi, I often use a Prankster Murkrow (mean look, perish song, feather dance, roost) in my pvp team, the strategy is to trap opponent with mean look, weaken it with feather dance then use perish song and after 2 turns, switch it out, opponent will perish and Murkrow still alive. This strategy works well before this update (only have problem with Sturdy pokemon, perish song leave it with 1 HP but still ok with me). But today after I updated the game, when my Murkrow use Mean Look, both I and the opponent can't switch out, we'are trapped together, which is wrong. :confused:
  7. Maleficent

    My team plan

    Is eviolite coded yet? Last time I checked that item is useless. Your team doesn't have any really strong sweeper, and chansey is the only one that has recovery move. I think you will have hard time with stall team. Btw any talonflame counter?
  8. IKR, can't believe with all these lacks of items, move, abilities which make PVP battles look so boring and all they think about is ban this, ban that. Ugh.
  9. You have any toxic orb left? I wanna buy one.
  10. Hi I believe Stored Power is not work as the way it's supposed to. Testing it I used my lvl 42 Clefairy to use Stored Power on lvl 40 Whismur with no stat change, which mean the power of Stored Power is 20, and it took away 1/3 Whismur's hp. Next my Clefairy used 6 times of Cosmic Power (+6def, +6sp.def) then used Stored Power again on Whismur (the damage of Stored Power now is supposed to be 260), but it took away 1/3 of Whismur's hp, just like when there's no stat boost. So I believe the calculation of Stored Power is not working, and the power of this move is a constant. And in my feeling it's not 20 but maybe 80, as it's too strong to be 20.
  11. Hi, glad to hear it :Grin: Pm me in game when you're online, if I'm not in game just message me in this topic I'll online as soon as I can. Thank you.
  12. Please inform me here :Grin: Currently I don't have much time in game. My ign is Maleficent. Thank you. :Grin:
  13. Hi may I ask the current offer? I offer 2m5.
  14. Cryogonal, Amaura, Bergmite :Grin:
  15. Sand Veil maybe.
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