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Everything posted by Naser40

  1. i mistook and deleted my shroomish's Spore move and when i went to move releaner/buffet couldnt find it and when headed to Egg move toturs couldnt find it as well this is my move list : https://prntscr.com/domn4n ( shroomish learns it by lvl at lvl 45 as the dex show : https://prntscr.com/domp5t ) this is move buffet list : https://prntscr.com/domnlk + https://prntscr.com/domnsj and this egg move totur move list : https://prntscr.com/domodr + https://prntscr.com/domok5 as u can see no Spore :/
  2. IGN: naser40 well i live in a little town which makes getting a good mouse lil bit hard lol so i entered this giveaway hoping to get a nice mouse that ll change my world XD ( shane if i win gl with shipping fees :p )
  3. i guess timeout mean only players who r currently in can play but other cant go in server :p
  4. no idea too a friend just loged in
  5. and thnx bro so much i apreciate it :)
  6. why timeout ?
  7. i ve tried to log in the website says its online both server i try but it connect to server i deleted then redownloaded the game same problem i tried with 3 different accounts but still nothing help plz
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