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Everything posted by Naser40
hello there and thank you for your hard work within the game i would like to both suggest and ask for mass release option in pc if possible also i would love if by any chance you guys can expande the capacity of a pc for more then just +60 and one last thing, is there a possibility to separate and categorise pokes in pc without cramming them all like how it is now ? and again i would like to thank you for your hard work
its annoying and time consuming to keep visiting the pc and then going back and forth to the dept store to exchange event/shiny pokes to pve so please consider adding a pc near the Joro so that we can exchange faster and more effieciently
Pseudo dans le jeu : naser40 Temps de jeu : 1090 h Âge : 27 ans Quelques mots sur vous : je m'appelle Nacerdine j'habite dans l'algerie je joue à pro depuis 5 ans avec des pauses Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : tt finis Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu ( farm, collection de PKM) ? : farm, collection de PKM Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ?i am a retuner XD Pseudo Discord : naser40#1746
so i just lost 10 max pp and 30 pp ups for nothing nice :/ well i am rich enough to buy them again but what abt all the rest people ??? fix the server plz or do some autoupdate every second or what ever a way to back up anything lost its totally and unfair and may cause people to leave specially new players :/ PRO already lost so many players been here since 2015 i remember when servers had 1.4 k queue waiting to log in :/ now max is 700 people in server :/ please do something abt it u can postpond any major update we prefer stability then unstable game upadtes no offence i know u r doing ur best but still try fixing this servers problem its causing a lot of other unwanted prblms
Hi my name ingame is naser40 i play i ngold before server crashed earlier this morning i used 10 pp max and arround 30 pp ups for my pvp pokes when server crashed while i was pvping i didnt notice first then next i saw that all my pp have been reseted and all my pp max and ups are lost if u need evidance i can ss please check this please :/ and please fix the servers :/
thank you brother <3
u have the c.o
u can bide in here or in game my name in game is the same Naser40 current offer is 400 k by buz3her u can bide with cash or CC ( CC is 230 k for me no negotiation on that ) min bide is 25 k instant is 1.2 m ^^
wts epic riolu 3 days limit ( 14/04/2019 afternoon ) C.O is 500 k by Jodsn offers in here or ingame ( Naser40 ingame acct name ) ivs are: 23 28 30 13 31 30 adamant i reduced the instant price to 1 million again feel free to offer here or ingame
oh thank you very much it is fixed now thank you for your hard work and thank you for everything
ok i will try it right now
i bought a safari pass after the free safari thing but after 1 run it asks to buy it again so i just lost 50 k and cant even get access to anyother safari region the officer npc says that i have the pass but the gate wont let me in so either u fix it or reboot/crash the server :/ so many players lost thier money already so please fix this thing
Pseudo dans le jeu :naser40 Temps de jeu :481 h 34 min Âge :26 ans Quelques mots sur vous :j'ai joué pro depuis 1er jour j'ai bcp d'ami mais la majorité on stoppé j'ai quitté Silver et j'ai recommencer dans Gold pour une nouvelle expérience Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? :oui Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? :terminé toutes les régions Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? :farm collection then when i am ready learn how to pvp Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? pour une nouvelle expérience et pour que j'apprendre la langue francais :p
[NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to PRO!
Naser40 replied to Artoriel's topic in Announcements
NPC Name: Santa Dex Nas Starting Dialogue:Ho Ho Ho How Howdy young man i am here to grant u a present that u ll love but u ll have to beat me Losing Dialogue: u got ur present son u got the dex u aim for <3 On Cooldown Dialogue:Ho Ho Ho its freezing here Team: Cresselia Shaymin Tornadus Manaphy Victini Special Request (If any): santa outfit and all NPC Name: Santa Dexie Starting Dialogue: hello young lady i am santa's younger sister and i am here to continue on his footstep and i am very proud of my beloved Brother he is older then with only 300 years :) Losing Dialogue: didnt know that losing tastes like this even though i fulfilled my purpose On Cooldown Dialogue: cute cutie cutiful ;* Team: Basculin Cryogonal Cobalion Meloetta Special Request (If any): famale santa costume ( please add this two npc so we can have a complete dex seen data and thank u for this opportunity i wish that u ll add them from the bottom of my heart ) -
[NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to PRO!
Naser40 replied to Artoriel's topic in Announcements
NPC Name:Mother of Dragons Starting Dialogue: hello young man, i am Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons kneel to your queen or have your mortal body burnt with the flames of my children Losing Dialogue:how can it be this is somekind of magic my children can never lose who r u ? rumpelstiltskin ??!!! ( lol srry abt the mix up XD ) On Cooldown Dialogue:bend the knee or i shall have no mercy but the mercy of my children's flames Team:Reshiram, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, Mega Rayquaza, Mega salamance, Mega Charizard X ( prefered to be the last somehow looks like the one in the serie ) Special Request (If any):all of her pokes must be shiny and if the player wins he gets a gift i pass the choice to u staff ;* -
[NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to PRO!
Naser40 replied to Artoriel's topic in Announcements
Re: [NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to Town! <t>NPC Name:john snow<br/> Dialogue:hello young man my name is john snow, u know snow john snow its a ll about snow and winter i am king of the north again snow, the winter is comming and in its sleeves and shades hides a dark force i have a bad feeling about this can you help defeat this evil young warrior<br/> Player: sure my lord but i have to tell u this its very important and u need to hear it from its must be me <br/> john snow : what is it young man ?<br/> Player: u know nothng john snow <br/> Special Request (If any): a big question mark or crying face icone lel</t> -
thanks boss and brother i ll start the quest now :)
love and hat down for the all the hard work
thnx for the clarification ;)
hey all and before typing anything thnx for paying attention ;) well i ma here to talk abt the weekly train pass, as for now we only get it from saffron pass so if its over in kanto kinda a pain to renew it so i was thinking maybe u could make in all the 3 regions 2nd weekly pass is soo good and facilitate players daily life for real i was thinking maybe make it mounthly if possible 3rd was thinking if maybe u could like make an npc or a symbol or anything that indicate time left in ur pass thnx all for reading hoping my ideas were helpfull also if anyone like the idea support it thnx all have a nice day/night
tro11z i love u soo much u r a life saviour *_*