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Everything posted by Carlack

  1. o ok thanks man very helpful... wasnt 100% sure how that worked :Grin:
  2. hi i wanted to know if i donated to become a member ant i serpose to get 100 coins for coin shop? not sure how that works so please help me thanks :Grin:
  3. Carlack

    hi sry

    sry if i put this on wrong spot wasn't sure where to put this... i just donated today & i wanted to know if i would get that donator member plate rather the have the Newbie/ registered users group :)
  4. very nice work :)
  5. i belive she need to beat jackson at the school to move on
  6. I got ride of all files completely from my computer & re-install still no change... but as long as i disable the controller box it dose not effect my primary key bindings... thanks so much for looking in to it for me please keep up the good work staff :Grin:
  7. hi is there a way to put my secondary key bindings back to default i was playing around with them now i cant get them back to the default setup
  8. k thank u very much :)
  9. hi i cant seem to kill Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres what are there lvls & or what lvl should my pokemon be to take them out please get back to me asap thank you
  10. after u beat the team rocket leader on 4th floor leave boss room then in the far top left corner u see a big reactor where the 2 nerds are sitting eevee in there try clicking on the left or right of it
  11. yvw glad i could help good luck in becomeing the pokemon master :)
  12. your lift key ant in your key items bag robotos2u1 ? if it is not idk
  13. its only bugged if team rocket catches u....i just got by that quest by going back to casino main loby went back down 1st set of stairs then go down the 2nd stairs but make sure the lady team rocket is all most off your screen after that u can head to the maze part & u home free to finish the quest hope this help & good luck toke me a few trys to get it
  14. seeing that the server full almost all the time i think it would be a good :Light: to have a 2nd pro server i know im new & all but i still think its a good :Light: thats the only i thing i dislike about this game is not being able to get on to play but other then that great work on the game & everything :thanks:
  15. hello all name Carlack just started last night but im haveing a blast im like this game alot :Grin:
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