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  1. [spoiler=Step 2] Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done! I also suggest to read the EVERYTHING ABOUT THE MERGE for questions you may have and if you should experience any issue while merging. In case that, after the merge, you should still get the Invalid Password/Username error, please go ahead and change your password from the DASHBOARD, ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9) Remember that you are able to play, with your old progress, only on the Silver Server since the server transfers are closed in this moment. Let me know if you have been successful in solving your issue and if you have any further questions. Have a wonderful day ! Thank you a lot! everything's working fine now. I've started because my friend told me to but he's actually on the gold server, there is no way the migrate right? haha
  2. Hello Hello there! I'm back from a loooong time (almost a year and a half), and I felt like coming back for good. Obviously, I've lost everything like my account doesn't have anything left. I was just wondering if there was any way I could get my account stats back or has it just been deleted for good and I should start again from the bottom? I wouldn't be surprised if it did, its been a long time haha Have a good day!
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