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Everything posted by Heiach

  1. I didn't think you get any money of experience for beating the Elite Four?
  2. Streaming right here: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] "Dear Heiach, I see that you’ve decided to go on another silly adventure. If your father were here, he would’ve tried to stop you no doubt. If you’re *that* commited then please follow these rules my son: * Catch only the first Pokemon in each area. *If it’s one you’ve already caught, you make catch another instead. * When a Pokemon faints, it’s dead! * You must nickname all of your Pokemon! * You can only use Pokemon you’ve personally caught! * If you black/white out, your challenge is over and you’ve made your poor dear Mom very, very sad :( Lots’ and lots of love! - Mumsy!"
  3. Looking forward to this! So that would be 1am Tuesday for us GMTers?
  4. Holy crap, if anything that's worse.. you actually had a chance to catch it :S
  5. I can't believe it.. I'm so stupid and so unlucky!
  6. Thank you so much guys! There are some new episodes out now.. also I got a comment the other week saying how they came to my channel for a guide to PRO.. and my playthrough is a playthrough.. ie long.. So I think I'll make a guide to this game too! It's about time someone made one of Youtube eh? So stay tuned for that!!
  7. Re: Loading up <t>Yeah I'm still stuck on the checking map version part too.</t>
  8. Hey I thought I'd finally introduce myself but I'm Heiach and I've been the chap who's been doing ze Pokemon Revolution Online videos on Youtube! Check 'em out if you haven't already: Youtube.com/heiach
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