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About Alucardhb

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  1. Hi, when i was taking my reward from the halloween quest with the npc Mayor george, i chose the houndoom mount and when almost finished the conversation the server crash and i was get out of the game, then when the server go on again i reconected but all my rewards from the quest wasn't there, (houndoom mount, pumking hat, 100 tokens), what should i do now, i was waiting for long time to do this quest and get my rewards. I don't know if you can help me with this, but also if it's posible to reset the quest to do it again and get my rewards, that could be ok for me. Thanks.
  2. In-Game Name: Alucardhb Discord Tag: ALUCARDHB#6214 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord?: Every time that i play pokemon revolution. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: More tolerance for other languages on chat, sometimes that intolerance looks like a kind of racism, i know that's not the case, but keep it in mind, im not the only one who think about it. P.S. I know that some people has offered to help translating the text of the game completily free to other languages like spanish, please do it, it's free help and the game would be enjoyed for more people.
  3. Discord Tag: ALUCARDHB#6214 Server: Silver
  4. I'm not sure if i can put this here, sorry for that, the fact is you have publicated a list on discord and i know that is not the final list of course , but i was wondering why you have counting a joltic with 0 ID number if in the rules you said that a Pokemon with an 0 ID number will NOT be accepted.
  5. Discord Tag: ALUCARDHB#6214 Server: Silver
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