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  1. Naye

    PVP Season Ended?

    week of no pvp, im gunna be lost
  2. Naye

    PVP Season Ended?

    wonder if rating gained now is irrelevant then, or if you can drop off ladder
  3. Naye

    PVP Season Ended?

    im still queuing and not at 0 rating, so dunno
  4. Why not link it to the boss, 26 chances a year will certainly not result in "every person in the server" having an epic legendary.
  5. whats on your list?
  6. people do those bosses? you can farm the starters as for on topic, i'd like it if you couldn't use revives or potions, then it would be ultimate pve endgame
  7. you da best
  8. bump.
  9. Yeah sorta annoying, I'm 3-0 with it thought because I have the patience of a monk.
  10. oh cool good news :)
  11. Yer I went there, ~30 every 4 days, not purchasable. How did you manage to get to the berries? I went there and couldn't get behind the lake. Go to the left of where you phase into the lake zone coming up from Mahogany. It's not the same phase as going to the lake for daycare/story quest.
  12. Yer I went there, ~30 every 4 days, not purchasable.
  13. In PVP you go through so many a day that you run out quickly even with headbutting. And once you run out you have to stop pvping, log off and wait until the next day to headbutt again (No Fun!) There is a leppa vendor in Mt.Pyre, would it possible to get an equivalent one for Lum berries please. Or alternatively make them tradable in bulk? So it doesn't take 30 minutes to trade 100, which is really not worth the sellers time.
  14. I love you baby.
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