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Everything posted by Stevy1994

  1. i was trying if cheat-engine does work and.. it worked...
  2. it looks like my reports are useless.. =/ cant you pls unbann me... I ll never do it again
  3. Storing your Pokes doenst heal your pokes
  4. -PC doesnt heal your pokes
  5. -Useless Berry tree (red) Route 29 -EP-bar is getting filled befor enemy realy dies -Pokemon are cateched befor the ball shakes enouth times -Spourt Tower F1 has a list of avalible pokemon but there doesnt appear any wild pokes First Report.. hope it's okay..
  6. i Think it isnt finished for 30% xDDD but it s already the best ONE!!! xD in my opinion!
  7. Yeah, but ... duno ^^ it makes fun, i give a shit about rollback :P but i hope the launch is as soon as possible =DD
  8. hey dude (: they will be cleared sorry..
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