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About Myowner

  • Birthday 05/24/1996

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  1. sold
  2. Re: Dex Service + pokemon epic - pvp - Shop's <r><COLOR color="#40BF80"><s></s><I><s></s>50k for the second sneasel<e></e></I><e></e></COLOR> <E>:y:</E></r>
  3. Your Ingame name:Myowner Pokemon's name: marill / gastly Starting/Finishing level: ~ / ~ Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: none ps: only evs
  4. Re: HueBr - Brazilian Guild ( Server Yellow) <r><I><s></s>aeee guild br \o/ <br/> adc la Myowner<br/> poke favorito : vileplume pq é lindo dms :p<br/> me juntei por que acho que fica melhor interagir com pessoas do próprio país ate mesmo pra ajuda novos players<br/> no jogo meu objetivo é o pvp rankeado :o<br/> <COLOR color="#80BF00"><s></s>Rio de Janeiro<e></e></COLOR> <e></e></I> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  5. :Grin:
  6. Re: Tolley's EV Training Shop. <t>pm me ingame :D</t>
  7. Re: Daycare (Leveling and EVing) <t>ook pm in game</t>
  8. Re: Daycare (Leveling and EVing) <t>hiii price check on a pineco lvl 70 with evs trained already looking for lvl 97 and u can change the moves too be more simple i cover</t>
  9. dratini c.o is ?? i offer 80k
  10. offer 50k on second pikachu
  11. pineco _ sturdy_relaxed 20+ hp/def/spdef dratini h.a_ adamant 28+ atk/ spd/ nincada _ jolly 20+ spd / atk / def reply here or pm in game
  12. pm me mywoner or post print here thx <3
  13. have 8 rare candy for sale on kanto 9k ea :Grin:
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