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About Garnetxx

  • Birthday 10/10/1994

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  1. Any time between 3pm and 2am GMT usually (Will be on for a few hours starting now for sure) U use discord? Yeah I do, Hope#2504
  2. Ye sure when u come online? Any time between 3pm and 2am GMT usually (Will be on for a few hours starting now for sure)
  3. I'm happy to take your Chesnaught for your asked price of 150k In game name is Garnetxx
  4. Don't worry Nico, I'm your opponent and I spotted your post. We can totally arrange to play after the 31st (I think Round 2 will be like 29th Jan - 5th Feb). Throw me a message any time and we can sort out a time for ya. Keep up the GJ-bu avatar :P
  5. Regarding the very sudden Leech Seed Ban. Is the Leech Seed ban to be active within the tournament? Or will it be similar to how life orb came out before the tournament but is disallowed so we can play on the fact we based our teams around a particular setup before it's release? As it stands my team that I've been preparing for this tournament for weeks will no longer function with the Leech Seed ban coming in right on the first round and it feels like a huge slap in the face. I would now be stuck trying to reformat my team very last minute before any matches take place and I ain't allowed to swap out between my 14 pokemon to reformat in such a way.
  6. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server: Blue Server<br/> Timezone: GMT+0<br/> Trainer Card: <IMG src="https://puu.sh/tlDGH/de35c7d98d.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]</r>
  7. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <t>1. What is your IGN?<br/> Garnetxx<br/> <br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have?<br/> 120<br/> <br/> 3. Why do you want to join?<br/> Having played my fair share of MMOs I've learned it's always better to play with others to talk to or help out. Somehow I've gone this far without joining a guild but I've grown tired of hunting pokemon without company to speak with at the same time. After having now just finished up the 3 regions I'm looking to start building up a team or 2 for PvP, friends to test and discuss teams with is great. But if you wanted a short answer, just having people to talk to and help out is why I'd want to join. I want to use my downtime when I'm online to help others find what pokemon they're needing.<br/> <br/> 4. Do you use Discord?<br/> Yup, online on discord pretty much all the time<br/> <br/> 5. Do you meet all of our requirements? If not, please let it be known.<br/> All requirements met, no problems with those.<br/> <br/> 6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list?<br/> Butterfree</t>
  8. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? <br/> 120 - Just completed Hoenn Region<br/> <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> The names Hope (IGN: Garnetxx - Blue Server), I've enjoyed pokemon since I was little, kept up to date with the anime and played as many of the games as I could get the consoles for. Currently I'm sinking a ton of time into PRO hunting down some of my favourite pokemon. I played competitively a bit during Diamond and Pearl and plan to with PRO as well. I'm a bit weird with PvP though and tend to disadvantage myself using only pokemon I genuinely like. Mostly a Grass/Bug/Poison trainer. After I make a decent enough main team I will definitely be making more light hearted grass/bug/poison type favourite teams. <br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Yep, any time<br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> Yup, my sleep schedule is weird but I'm likely to be on for at least a few hours every day at some point.<br/> <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> Company, someone to talk to while hunting down those rare pokemon that can take days to find the right nature/IVs on would be great for me currently. I'm incredibly talkative but find myself silent for hours while I'm searching for those pesky Flabebe. It's also good to see tonnes of different players and their pokemon, hearing why they like those and seeing the diversity in people's pokemon tastes and strategy. It's all a learning experience. In my downtime where the pokemon I'm hunting aren't available I'd also be very happy to help other members in their searches, guild members help each other out after all.<br/> <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> I know I like my PvP for sure but PvE in PRO could be intriguing too. Very much looking forward to stomping out the red trainer bosses dotted around the regions.</t>
  9. PRO Username: Garnetxx Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing extraordinary, grinding xp in Dragon's Den What have you already tried to solve the problem? Relogged multiple times Description and Message PRO Username: Garnetxx Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing extraordinary, grinding xp in Dragon's Den What have you already tried to solve the problem? Relogged multiple times Description and Message Hey there, Just lookin' for a bit of help. I bought some coins today looking to use em for an xp boost. I relogged and they weren't there. The server was having issues and was particularly laggy around the time I believe so I'm thinking it's possibly down to that. However not too long after a friend of mine bought some without issue. I was wondering if I could receive some help getting my coins Cheers for your time
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