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About Cannif

  • Birthday 08/18/1997

Personal Information

  • Career
    just a simple landscaper worker
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    just a simple landscaper worker

Cannif's Achievements



  1. Re: Articuno's Gift (Wings Of Destiny & Fate Giveaway) <t>I've honestly haven't felt either or with the guild, it's a great group of people with good staff and I love to hang out with you guys, but I haven't felt much positive or negative, we've all had ups and downs, but still, nice but nothing to special to me guild ^^; I'd like number 27.</t>
  2. I have about 100 hours and I live in USA, so shouldn't be a problem. and I have so many favorite pokemon, but if I have to pick one, probably greninja :Grin: and the headset should be mine cause my current ones are breaking on me so I need new ones :Frown:
  3. I watched that not to long ago for the first time and now it's one of my favorite animes :Grin:
  4. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <t>Thank you I appreciate the offer to join, I got work today so it will be a while till I'm seen :P</t>
  5. if anyone know's this song I bet it's from a certain youtuber [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  6. I figured as much, but nothing wrong with asking atleast
  7. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <t>1. What is your IGN? Cannif<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have? At the moment one, but I just switched over (I only had like, 2 on the other though haha) but I do plan to play as much as I can.<br/> 3. Why do you want to join? I would like to join a guild to find some new friends and help others once I get to the point, or get some help if needed<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? Yes, I do.<br/> 5. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? uh, hawlucha? if possible, if not, roserade?</t>
  8. PRO Username: Cannif Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? I've looked around a little but I don't know if anyone else has asked this What have you already tried to solve the problem? No because it's a account problem that only a admin could do. Description and Message I was just wondering, but I'm not sure if possible, but I bought some membership on the red server only to find out my friends where on blue, now I know it's my fault in the first place for not checking with them, but is it possible to switch the membership from red to blue?
  9. Right now I've been waiting for the once a week episodes of sweetness and lightning, aside from that I'm not currently watching anything even though I have so many I should be watching :Nervous: maybe I should ask what I should watch next? I have several friends telling me to watch this and that next but I have no idea what.
  10. Yeah I figured as much as I pointed out I did try some of them, so I figured the rest didn't work as well, but a bug is a bug so gotta point it out :Grin:
  11. I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right section, but anyway, when I right click on people at the bottom I have the option for staff option's, I tested and the commands don't work (but I didn't try the kick, mute or ban in case they did work) I also tried changing area's and it's still there, I even re-logged and I'm not sure if anyone else has this bug or not but I still wanted to point it out.
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