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  1. Looking to buy an epic azumarill or any of its pre evolutions, im after adamant huge power and 29+ atk/hp is a must, bonus if the speed and def stats are good, paying well, msg me here or ingame, thanks!
  2. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <t>cosmic #1 <3</t>
  3. Hello! I need this new mouse because my current one had MT.DEW spilled all over it and it cuts in and out now!!!
  4. Hello!! Welcome to my rare item shop, here i am selling some rare cosmetic items! :Grin: Current Stock: 1x Pink Party Hat 1x Pumpkin Hat
  5. bought, this can be closed :Smile:
  6. Looking to buy a Partyhat, after either red or blue or purple!
  7. Hello! currently looking for an Australian guild on the red server to spend time with! please hit me up!
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