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About 4313271355

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  1. TM21 in PRO is mega drain. This TM was only in Gen 1, so the pokemon on the list that can learn TM21 are limited to the first 151. My shroomish naturally learns mega drain at level 17. I lost the move after a server reset so I tried using the TM21 but it failed. The list of pokemon allowed to use a TM should include pokemon that can learn the move naturally and pokemon that can learn the move from breeding, as is the case with more modern TMs. Mega drain might not be the only one, that's just the example i faced today.
  2. Re: Christmas Pokemon Images (WIP) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/vU1mXCY.jpg?1"><s></e></IMG></r>
  3. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 058</t>
  4. is there a place to buy PP up? or any that respawn? or is it just from digging?
  5. I am in!!!! goodluck me.
  6. oh okay. sorry. i saw the dig spot location guide that said there were 5 dig spots so i assumed my game was broken. thanks. mod can lock this.
  7. I have a dig spot that never resets. if this isn't a mapping error, please hand it over to someone that can help me.
  8. I know it will be awhile before we get an auction house in the game, but i think i have a good idea that most games neglect. When someone places a bid on an item, the auction end time should increase by 2 minutes. This better emulates an actual auction, and avoids people simply 'sniping' the auction at the last second. the seller will get the full value of their pokemon this way.
  9. I'd prefer if some system messages were not displayed in the chat window. Sometimes there's too much chatter to see it, or I'll be playing with the window minimized, and I'll have no idea the server is shutting down soon. It'd be nice if important system messages were displayed above the chat window or someplace else.
  10. i want the thick club
  11. https://i.imgur.com/TSzCZ7r.png
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