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About Teamvalor

  • Birthday 04/07/1985

Personal Information

  • Career
    Insurance Agent for Farmers Commercial Agency
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Insurance Agent for Farmers Commercial Agency

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  1. Hi everyone,
  2. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="Sceo"><s> </e></QUOTE> You also applied on 2 other guild topics, which guild are you choosing? Or just which responses the fastest?<e> </e></QUOTE> I only applied to one other guild, but after realizing that they have a "requirement on play time" I just ignored it. That to me is silly.</r>
  3. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><B><s></s><GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>1.How many hours of gameplay do you have?<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> At this moment 12.5 Hours, I understand this is low but I just started playing. Also, I'm taking my time hunting for good IV's.<br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>2. Tell us a little about yourself.<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> My name is Nick, I'm 31 years old. (I grew up with pokemon, I'll die with pokemon). I work as an Insurance Agent, I work on Commercial Properties. I'm married with 2 Girls, full time work(Insurance Agency, we do nothing hardly so I get paid to play this :D). Anymore information or specifics on this front you may ask.<br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>3. Are you able to visit Discord?<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> Of course.<br/> <br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>4. Are you going to be online daily?<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> I've been on every day since I created, and will continue to do so, except maybe on Sunday.<br/> <br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>5. What do you look for in a guild?<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> Family. The best way to describe it, I want to belong to a group of people who get along. As stated above I like to grind a lot, but I have no one to chat with why I do, that's where a good relaxing guild comes in.<br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="white"><s>[glow=white]</s><COLOR color="#BF0040"><s></s>6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><br/> I'm more of the PVE type just because in PVP situations I frustrate myself more than anyone else does. I'm the more of, "oh you need a pokemon with this nature and IV's I'll be up until 3 am, I'll find you one" type of person.<e></e></B></r>
  4. Hi and welcome to the family!
  5. The best way I learned is,like this: Step 1: Think of what you want to do, Game, app, whatever. Step 2: Map it all out, everything that would be needed in it (example: Game - side scroller) I need levels, inventory, health, enemies, walls, floors, gaps... Step 3: Start with one piece at a time (IE level design) look up tutorials on side-scroller 2d level designs, start working. (KEEP IT SMALL). Then move on to the next. Step 4**** IMPORTANT***: finish what you start on, because once you get stuck in the "oh ill start over loop" you wont get anywhere. Step 5: break it and fix it, over and over.(after you have an understanding of what you type, purposely break the code, wait 24 hours, come back and try to fix it.) Step 6: Practice Practice Practice. That's all for now, I'm not going into language specifics because everyone has their own methods. But basically start small and simple, piece by piece and learn what you need to as you move along, trying to learn the general language at all times is going to take a massive amount of time & you will get stuck in that "im getting no where" mindset like I did. (THIS IS AN OPINION). but take it as you like, if you want more specific help you may message me anytime.
  6. What's everyone up to this weekend? Pokemon Go time?
  7. Well for everyone I thought the same thing, hit login once, and just wait, it will eventually open it, it could take 20 minutes, it's what's referred to as a "ghost que".
  8. It's easy to level pokemon? Since when?
  9. HeHoHeHo, I'm going to be streaming the game soon! this game is amazing!
  10. If only life were this simple Lol
  11. Are you guys taking on new members? I would love to join, sounds exactly like what I'm looking for! Just let me know! :thanks:
  12. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <r>1. What is your IGN? TeamValor<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have? Un-Sure waiting in Que - I've played for about 1 week now it should be about 25+ hours.<br/> 3. Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a family to grow into this game with. I do like to grind a lot, and it gets annoying trying to talk with people in public chat, too many people like to cause drama.<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? Yes I do.<br/> 5. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? Gengar, my favorite pokemon from the beginning.<br/> <br/> PS: To note, My RL name is Nick, I'm 31 years old (I grew up with pokemon I will die with pokemon). I'm an Insurance Agent, I work and play all day side-by-side (lmao). I'm pretty much on all the time, really chill, laid back person. I have a sense of humor (meaning I can take a joke). So anything else you would like to know, just ask!<br/> <br/> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  13. Lol, As title states I'm looking for a family on this game. Name is TeamValor (Nick in real life). I've been a Pokemon fanatic since Pokemon first released on the original gameboy. I have played and beat every single pokemon made since then. Now onwards to this, I stumbled across this game and immediately fell in love. I'm not very far as I take my time and grind a lot. The only GYM I've taken down so far is Brock. Now I'm working on getting a good solid core team built. I would like to hopefully get some people I can talk to on a regular basis etc etc. Maybe theory-craft some good teams etc. I will be picking up MS and a lot of other goodies as well. Anyway thanks for taking the time to read, let me know wassup! :thanks:
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