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Everything posted by Robbiegg

  1. Want level of both to 97 EVs of diglett: 252 def, 252 spd, 6 sdef EVs of Venomoth: 160 def, 160 sdef, 190 hp Discord: brobbington Let me know if you're available
  2. Sry first time posting here so didn't know where to post also I will be online gmt 13:00 - 20:00 today
  3. In-game name: Robbiegg Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT+0 Hia I need my dusclops trade evolved to a dusknoir I have the reaper cloth and everything
  4. In-game name: Robbiegg Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT+0 Hia i need help evolving dusclops to dusknoir i have the reaper cloth and everything
  5. Good idea thanks a lot for the contribution (>^_^)>
  6. Hia So i have a gardevoir and its pretty good however its moveset feels like it has something missing my current moveset is calm mind, thunder bolt, dream eater, hypnosis. I don't feel like its a bad set or anything i just feel like it could be made better. Thanks in advance. (>^_^)>
  7. thank you so much
  8. Please can somebody tell me how long you have to wait to challenge to tower again cause i'v waited about 2 days put it still sais that i haven't waited long enough help plz :)
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [27/07/2016] <t>Good job on this thread</t>
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