Hello, after reading the "read this first" post (so i think this one can be suggested) and not finding a similar suggestion in the posts, i would like to suggest the idea of a tutor that can re-learn moves that the evolved pokemon can not longer learn. This is because, lets say you have caught an epic pokemon and you train it to 100 and evolve it. You are going to make a lot of different strategies with that pokemon according to your 6-member team, so it will be required to have different movesets on the same pokemon. If it is hard for us to forget a move knowing we can not learn it again is kinda limiting for the pvp variation and catching another epic pokemon of same ability/nature (especially when that poke is rare) just for 1 different move, i think this is a waste of gaming time. It may be an mmo we are playing but in my honest opinion things like these could help a lot people having a greater experience of the game without having any negative side effects i could think of.
Thanks for your time reading this :)