Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server]
<t>◉ Name/IGN - Lopsidings<br/>
◉ Are you active in Discord? - Yes I am (My tag is Mallare#9077 for in case if I am not online)<br/>
◉ Where are you from? - United States<br/>
◉ What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? - 927h, took a break, but getting back into it<br/>
◉ What's your goal in PRO? Be well liked and to become better at pvp<br/>
◉ Why do you want to be part of Reborn? I'm basically looking for a PRO family and I've heard many good things about reborn, and I want to become friends with more people on the server<br/>
Thanks, Lopsidings</t>