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Everything posted by Imhanjoo

  1. Another clef is now sold :3
  2. Blaziken is now sold :3
  3. We have an application format in the first page of our thread. It would be nice if you apply again answering the questions given :3
  4. I want to buy the heracross. Pm me in discord imhanjoo#4712 ty.
  5. Welcome all new fams :3
  6. Ty for buying the clefable :3
  7. You can see all the pokes in the first page of this thread Press the "spoiler" button that looks like this on the bottom.
  8. Sure, what timezone do you live and what time do you usually be online? Or if you use discord contact me imhanjoo#4712 will be easier to fix time :3
  9. Which one do you want to buy?
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