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Posts posted by Imhanjoo

  1. Hello ^^

    ● What's your Name/IGN?


    ● How old are you?

    -21 years old

    ● Are you active in Discord?


    ● Where are you from?


    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    -363hr / Everyday~

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    -To be PvP No.1

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    -I want a family and lots of friends in Pro ^^

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    -Mewtwo! Because its amazing cool !

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    -dolphin, cause they are smart and cute.


    Found ya in another guild..

  2. ● What's your Name/IGN?


    ● How old are you?

    20 years old

    ● Are you active in Discord?


    ● Where are you from?


    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you

    play PRO?

    5 hours /day or maybe more

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    catch as many epic and unique poke as i can

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    Cause chaos is incredible guild

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Metagross (dont known just love it)

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    Panda (cause they are cute)


    Check ur pms

  3. ● What's your Name/IGN?


    ● How old are you?

    -19 years old.

    ● Are you active in Discord?

    -Yes sir

    ● Where are you from?


    ● What's your playtime?/ How often do you play PRO ?

    -691 Hr. / Everyday

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    -Play for fun and find new friends in thisngame

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    -I want a family in this game and new friends abroad.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    -I like Darkrai because its shape looks scary with Pokémon, dark elements and a very powerful Pokémon

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    -I like cats because cats are cute animals and like to play with me fun.


    ● What's your Name/IGN?

    - Kurohiku


    ● How old are you?

    - 23


    ● Are you active in Discord?

    - Yes, sir ! (Glenn Voidsen)


    ● Where are you from?



    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    -Around 200h , Almost everyday when the server is up XD


    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    -Do everything i can do , Like exploring all area, complete dex , beat All Bosses, and maybe doing some PVP , when i get a good team for it ;)


    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    - Because Chaos Guild is Number 1 , simple !


    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    I Really love Honchkrow , because i'm really into Mafia Stories ( the Godfather, Aniki , ...)

    I also love Charizard because he was my first Pokemon on Red Version and My first level 100 pokemon on Green Leaf ^^

    And Love Rexillius , i m big fan of dinosaur so ...

    Yes I have 3 favorite Pokemon but i cant choose between them XDD


    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    I don't know , If Dinosaur count as animals , but my favorite is T-Rex , Because he was the most powerful and strongest animals the Nature had ever created.

    A really Badass Creature !!


    ● What's your Name/IGN? - Viva La Jambu


    ● How old are you? - 26


    ● Are you active in Discord? - Somewhat


    ● Where are you from? - United Kingdom


    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? - 210 hours and counting and pretty much whenever the server is working.


    ● What's your goal in PRO? - To be the very best. Like no one ever was, to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause. Nah but seriously, every pokemon... in shiny/event form.


    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? - Big clans = Best clans... right:ChikoritaWTF:?


    ● What's your favourite Pokemon and why? - Ludicolo, just cos'


    ● What's your favourite animal and why? - Jaguar, such majest.


    - IGN: Derloli


    - age? - 22 yo


    - discord? - yep, i use discord everytime i play


    - from? - germany


    - playtime? -230 hours, all 32 badges and play almost every day


    - goal in PRO? - hunting event mons (but they dont like getting hunted by me..) and im building a pvp team atm


    - why part of Chaos? - ive never been in a guild in PRO before and playing alone is kinda boring. i checked all guilds and liked this one here the most


    - favourite pokemon? - tough question.. tentacruel i guess. it was the first shiny i found myself back in the day in pokemon silver and was hyped af as a kid (red gyarados doesnt count ^^)


    - favourite animal? - dogs. i just love dogs!


    Check ur pms

  4. Hiya O/



    ● What's your Name/IGN?

    - Osephyr


    ● How old are you?

    - 24


    ● Are you active in Discord?

    - Yes sir, I am.


    ● Where are you from?

    - Canada


    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    - 455 hours / Almost daily


    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    - I'm more PvE oriented. Currently, I want to get all content unlocked and start catching some legendaries. Recently I've been getting some really good PvP pokemon, so I'll probably start doing more of that, but no PvP goals right now, aside from, well, winning lol.


    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    - Because I reckon that the game would be even more fun if I was in an active community. Played the game for 455 hours and never really been in a guild.


    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Clefable. Been my favourite pokemon since I was a kid playing yellow version. I guess I just really like the sprite of the pokemon and, while it isn't true, liked the duality between clefable and gengar (I liked the idea of gengar being the ghost of clefable).


    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    - My dog. No one else's dog, just my dog, because shes fat and friendly af.


    Check ur pms

  5. What's your Name/IGN? - Yogaraj

    ● How old are you? - 17

    ● Are you active in Discord?I use it as one on my primary social messaging app

    ● Where are you from?india

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 95 hrs and I play this game often.. At sinnoh region now

    ● What's your goal in PRO? Catch all pkmns and complete story

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?cause its a good guild which has good players

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Snorloax cause of curselax

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    Snake cause its cold blooded


    Hmm.. found ya in another guild

  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? Daviddegea

    ● How old are you? 19

    ● Are you active in Discord? Yes.

    ● Where are you from? Indonesia

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 357hours, maybe like 7-8hours/day

    ● What's your goal in PRO? Obtain all Legendaries. And make the greatest Team.

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Because i looking for good guild with good guildmates, i know thats Chaos is very good guild and i'd love to be part of this guild.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Rayquaza, because i like Myth Animal likes Dragon, and my first poke games that i played is Pokemon Emerald with Rayquazan on the cover.

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? I love Chickens and Ducks, because its taste so good:))


    What's your Name/IGN? IGN Yordlephile. Typically go by Yordie or Yordle, everything was taken so I went with my original moba game name


    ● How old are you? 28

    ● Are you active in Discord? Yes

    ● Where are you from? USA west coast

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play? I fall way short at only 80 hours, but I plan on being very active and having this be the only game I put time into. I've been a member for most of those hours, and expect to be most active during the evening on weekdays and most of the day and night on weekends.


    ● What's your goal in PRO? I have a lot of goals, I want to complete all of the dexs myself and I want to have a wide variety of uber's and over used tier pvp ready. Basically want to collect them all and find some of the strongest pokemon available. I hope to be a part of competitive pvp scene here.


    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Seems like a good guild. One that has stability and a strong foundation. What I'm looking for the most in a guild is one that stands the test of time, and chaos seems to be the ticket. This is the only guild I've applied for, and the only one I plan to.


    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Shuckle. It has a weird niche and just the best design. Can photo verify my love for shuckle.


    ● What's your favorite animal and why? Lemur was my answer growing up. The last two years or so I've really enjoyed just all birds, and might say that has shifted to my favorite animal. They're just all so neat.


    Check ur pms

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