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Posts posted by Imhanjoo

  1. My name in game is thewasted69.

    I'm always active on discord.

    I'm from Portugal.

    I play everyday and i have 193hrs.

    I want to be one of the best in a game i love.

    Has a player i want to help the guild by PVP, Ev training or lvl up.

    My favorite pokemon is noivern because my favorite type is dragon/flying and i LOVE the colour black and blue.

    My favorite animal is birds. I grew up surrounded by canaries and other types of bird.

    I'm 18.

    check ur pms

  2. Auxian


    ● What's your Name/IGN?

    - Auxian


    ● Are you active in Discord?

    - I only use Discord to check the server status for now, but I can be active once I have reason to.


    ● Where are you from?

    - Philippines


    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    - I often play 6 hours a day, and active at trade chat while leveling up my Pokemon or hunting for new/rare ones.


    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    - I play for fun. Well it would be great if I can hunt the rarest Pokemon there is.


    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    - I would like to meet some friendly people that likes the same game I do. I also like helping people do quests, and it would be great if I do quests with other people instead of doing it myself.


    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    - My favorite would be Blastoise, well he was my Starter since 2000s. haha!


    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    - I like dogs, Rottweilers to be exact. In fact I have 3 of them. They're sooo awesome and fearsome at the same time.




    Name= Brahmarshi roy

    Yes active in discord

    I am from india.

    I have played 250 hrs , i play everyday.

    I want to be the best of best cause thats my passion i had some time off this game a year i was away on some educational purposes but now i am back and ready to cause wreck and catch them all and scavenge the lands of pokemon. Cause i am pain.

    I want to join chaos as i think i need some friends i am all alone doing training so i thought i'll join you. And i want

    My faviorite pokemon is charizard cause it is strong a leader and dangerous.

    My faviorite animal is an eagle intelligent,leader,strong protector of its family.

    My age is 22.


    check ur pms

  3. What's your Name/IGN?


    Are you active in Discord?


    Where are you from?


    What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    Play almost every day

    I had an account with 3000 hours .It has been banned because it is illegal

    The old account was Les arkayna01

    This is a picture of my new account



    What's your goal in PRO?

    Fun, fun and sharing ideas

    Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    Because it is the best guild yet.

    I am classified as the best fisherman in the game

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    I do not have any favorite Pokemon because I sell everything

    My favorite is greninja shiny

    Because I like the black color as well. I am a ninja lover





    What's your favorite animal and why?

    black panthers

    Because he has black fur

    from the fastest animals......


    check ur pm

  4. Hey!

    ● What's your Name/IGN?

    -My IGN is AuroraSoul.

    ● Are you active in Discord?

    -Yup, im always in discord.

    ● Where are you from?

    -I From Portugal.

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

    My playtime is 260 Hours atm, i play PRO like 6 days per week.

    ● What's your goal in PRO?

    -I want to improve personally, my knowledge, my pokemon team, and everything else that can help improve, improve in competitive too and be able the others

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

    -I think that when entering the guild will help me to improve what I need, I want to be with players who dedicate as much as I do in pokemon,and I love being part of good communities.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    -My favorite pokemon is Lucario, all this because since I see the pokemon series I love the feeling that is transmitted when a lucario appears, even without speaking much, just by looking we can feel how strong a Lucario is.

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?

    -My favorite animal is cat , Because they are soft, and good friends when they gain our trust


    check pm

  5. What's your Name/IGN?Strongo85

    ● Are you active in Discord?Yes

    ● Where are you from?USA!USA!

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?250+ hours /3days a week

    ● What's your goal in PRO?PVP MASTER

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Build new friendships

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Marowak because the influence of his story they start off weak and alone..because its said cubones cry all time while wearing there dead mother's skull...Cubones the perfect example for many people's lives.. we all may be sad from time to time but we will make it to become a marowak someday.,Happy ,Strong and Immune to the pain because they already known true pain.

    ● What's your favorite animal and why?my fav animal isn't as inspirational as a cubone


    check ur pms

  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? DonFacundo / Donfacundo

    ● Are you active in Discord? Yes

    ● Where are you from? Philippines

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? Mostly after work. 7:00 PM - 1:00 AM GMT+8

    ● What's your goal in PRO? To be one of the best player ever.

    ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Simply to help and be helped at the same time.

    ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Cleffable, Fluffy as hell xD

    ● What's your favorite animal and why? Dog. Trust has no isues :)


    Check ur pms

  7. 1. my IGN is MonomaxSitlhou

    2. yes i am actove everyday

    3. i am from India

    4. my play time is 394hr. And i often play 3,4,5 and 6 hr

    5. my aim in pro is to be the best and frienfly to everyone

    6. i want to be part of chaos because its my favorite guild and i hope everyone is friendly and good to me.

    7. my favorite pokemon is charizard because its smart active while battle and find for his size opponent.

    8. my favorite animal is Wolf because its clever and they are very strong and active.



    what i am not in other giild please add me.


    Hmm just checked.

    But I checked that you applied to multiple guilds.

    If so I cant invite ya.

    If you wanna come join chaos, erase all the other applications ty.

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