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Kyloren last won the day on August 20 2020

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1 Follower

About Kyloren

  • Birthday 06/19/1993

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Yes, it works properly now. Thank you for your help!
  2. Thank you @WhiteBaron for the reply but unfortunately I still have this issue.
  3. 72 hours later I still cannot battle with her.
  4. Small update: I'm ~48 hours since the last fight with Elmera and the bug is still there. Hope you can fix that soon enough so I could have time for beat her 10 times.
  5. I cannot fight with Elmera anymore. Last time I fought her on Friday and since yesterday I have some kind of bug with her time countdown.
  6. With General Grievous arms, we need also his mask!
  7. Bump, still looking for Grimer/Muk
  8. I've found already Machop and Medicham so Grimer/Muk is the only one I am looking for right now.
  9. Thank you but as it's stated in the first post, I am looking for better one with right nature and Poison Touch ability.
  10. I've found Machop and still looking for Grimer and Meditite.
  11. Thanks but looking for better one
  12. Hello there! As my nick can suggest, I am big Star Wars fan and collector and I am looking for the best May the 4th themed Pokemon. I have already an awesome Bisharp and I need the newest forms. If you think I could be interested in your Star Wars themed Pokemon, please send its image with price. I don't care about the budget at all. Currently looking for: Grimer/Muk - Adamant or Careful with Poison Touch ability Meditite/Medicham - Jolly or Adamant with Pure Power ability Machop/Machoke/Machamp - Adamant with No Guard ability If you have any of Pokemon listed above, feel free to show it here. Thank you in advance and may the Force by with you!
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