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Posts posted by Kyloren

  1. Hello. After few days of trying to complete the quiz, I've decided to post here. Everyday I choose the correct answer in less than a second, I only see this:



    You should check this, because now it is impossible to complete the quiz by me and few of my friends.

  2. There is also new location after beating Hoenn E4 - Leev Town. You can get there from Lilycove. There are also few maps with wild Pokes (all of them are for non-MS players):


    Leev Town Port:




    Chansey - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Drowzee - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Gulpin - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Jigglypuff - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Patrat - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Snubbull - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Zigzagoon - Land - Morning/Day/Night


    Leev Town Entrance:




    Corphish - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Golduck - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Marill - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Psyduck - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Wingull - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Zubat - Surf - Night


    Leev Town:




    Combee - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Kecleon - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Patrat - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Rattata - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Spinda - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Starly - Land - Morning/Day

    Vullaby - Land - Night


    Jura Cave:




    ?? - Land - ??

    Diglett - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Geodude - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Nosepass - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Patrat - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Whismur - Land - Morning/Day/Night

    Zangoose - Land - Day

    Zubat - Land - Morning/Day/Night


    Azurill - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Carvanha - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Feebas - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Goldeen - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Horsea - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Seadra - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

    Zubat - Surf - Morning/Day/Night

  3. 189610
    189583 do you know if "Pick Axe" is of LIMITED use or is it of UNLIMITED use?

    in case of LIMITED use, how long/how many rocks?

    and to end, what is the price of a "Pick Axe" in Trade?


    TY so much ^^

    unlimited use, not tradable i think, you have to buy coins. no idea of the price.

    It's tradable. I saw few of them at trade channel for around 200k.

  4. Hello. After the system info, I checked my inventory and here what I've noticed:








    About Incenses: I'm sure I had both - Odd and Sea - in the number less than 10, but don't remember how many excactly.

    Other items I've marked on the screenshots: I had only one per each item I've marked.

  5. Re: Hoenn Hidden Items- Locations


    <r><QUOTE author="NisseP"><s>

    </s><POST content="187277"><s></s>187277<e></e></POST> Heart scale right in front of me, on the shell<br/>

    <IMG src="https://puu.sh/pwkUB/1cb445f1ee.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>




    Also a big pearl in the shell in front of me<br/>

    <IMG src="https://puu.sh/pwkUB/1cb445f1ee.png"><s></e></IMG><e>


    Have Heart Scale appeared in your backpack?</r>

  6. 185236Known requirements to be able to obtain "Archaeologist Permit":


    1. Defeating Hoenn Elite 4.

    2. Collecting "Rock Fragments" from each of the 6 excavation sites in Hoenn.

    3. Paying 100k to Fossil Maniac Charles.

    But how to collect those rock fragments if Gingers don't let me go down to excavation sites?

  7. 182066 Gonna post this here as it's related, and seeing this topic reminded me of it.


    I turned up for oak boss 30 mins early yesterday so spent the time at cinnabar mansion with my timid sync alakazam. I decided I'd thief the Muks and Weezing and after using thief twice on a muk and getting nothing it healed itself with black sludge.

    They had probably ability Sticky Hold that prevents held items to be taken by Covet and Thief.

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