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Tekkzem's Achievements



  1. Re: Articuno's Gift (Wings Of Destiny & Fate Giveaway) <t>Oh my, I don't know what to say. The fact being that this guild has done wonderful things. I enjoy the fact that this guild has brought together people from all throughout the world. We may have met through Pokemon Revolution Online, but we sure haven't stopped us from connecting outside of P.R.O. We are evolving, our guild is turning into a community. Allira, the Blue Birb Queen, although is leaving us I hope that this won't stop us from being an active guild. <br/> <br/> The number I'd like to choose is 56.</t>
  2. Discord Name: Tekkzem PRO Name: Tekkzem (655 hrs) Gym Type: Normal Reason why you want to be the gym leader? We've always been on the challenger side, so I am curious on how it is to be entitled to being a "gym leader" or a E4 member. Do you have your team ready? Currently, Yes. (6+1) at the moment. I am working on the possible 8th.
  3. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [bLUE SERVER] Recruiting! <t>Hey, I'm Tekkzem. I play currently have 482 hrs in blue server, with the collection of all 24 current badges. I use discord, not so much mic, but very much so chat. I began playing 1 month ago... and would enjoy to participate in this guild. Also I'm a very active member in the all chat, I usually help rate, price and what not, but I am still very noob. Btw discord name is currently: SorakaxSona. lol</t>
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