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Everything posted by Shadowrunner

  1. fatty won
  2. bump
  3. Auction >.> S.o. 100k min bid 50k Accepted payments Coin capsules 450k each , reroll ticket 500k, Auction ends 24 hours after first bid.
  4. LolurFace won the auction congrats
  5. i didnt know that :)) but thanks
  6. Auction S.O. 300k Min bid 50k No Insta Accepted Payment: CC 420k Rerolls(500k rr, nature reroll 250) Auction ends 48hours after first bid .
  7. Winner is Fatty69
  8. S.O. 50k No Insta. Auction ends 24 hours After first bid. Accept payments : CC 400k RR 500k. Min bid 50k
  9. 550K
  10. 300k
  11. Start
  12. Aight thanks
  13. So i evolved my swampert hlw to mega form and now im walking on water . * ignore the music in video* IMG_5399.mov
  14. Winner is Zazellion .
  15. S.o. 50k Min Bid 50k. No insta Auction ends 24hours after first bid.
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