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Everything posted by Corantebr

  1. Quite a few players are complaining because they still do not have the stone whipped dream on the servers. because we want to upar our Swirlix lv 100 but we can not because of not having the stone in the servers.
  2. Hello people, I'm looking to buy 1 Whipped Dream because I want to evolve my Swirlix. price to be negotiated. (I have twelve rare).
  3. Hello , I would like to know until when the event Pokemon clone 'll be available
  4. Legend was disable to have shiny chance. So players will never get shiny legend. --Moved to proper place-- A ok,Thanks for the info.
  5. reliving .-.
  6. I'd rather watch anime with subtitles and of course with the original voices of the characters.
  7. Hello everyone , I wanted to take a very simple doubt . It is possible to capture a mew, celebi or jichari with shiny ?
  8. Re: MALANDRAMENTE - Brazilian Guild ( Server Yellow) <r><COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- Qual é o seu nome no jogo?<e></e></COLOR><COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s> CoranteBR<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- Qual é o seu tipo e pokemon favorito?<e></e></COLOR> <COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s>Agua - Feraligatr<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- Qual o seu objetivo ao se juntar a nossa guilda?<e></e></COLOR> <COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s>Interagir , ajudar os membros que estejam em duvida em algo que eu saiba e batalhar contra outras guildas se possivel.<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- Qual é o seu principal objetivo no jogo?<e></e></COLOR> <COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s>Ganhar de todos os BOSS, participar de todos os eventos,ter todos os pokemons possiveis e conseguir pokemons perfeitos.<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- De qual estado do Brasil você é (Ou lugar, se não for do Brasil, mas entender o português)?<e></e></COLOR> <COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s>Rio de Janeiro - RJ<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>- Quantas horas de jogo você tem ? ( Se possível tira print da sua treiner )<e></e></COLOR><br/> <COLOR color="#BFFFFF"><s></s>Nesse exato momento que estou preenchendo o formulario estou com <br/> 162Hr e 10min.<e></e></COLOR><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>(Segue Print):<e></e></COLOR><br/> <URL url="https://prnt.sc/c71owe"><s>http://</s>https://prnt.sc/c71owe<e></e></URL></r>
  9. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <t>Left do this quest</t>
  10. also I do not know , should be making some kind of update
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