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Everything posted by Hinniz

  1. Did you calc the "stealth rocks" in it? he even wrote that xD Yes...I've calculated..hp ice with 49 power deals around 70-75% damage for an epic dragons even 4xdamage..I have nothing to say if that is calculating by 1hp/spdef ivs for the opponent's poke..I think you will win that battle anyway without this if your opponent is using that bad ivs pokes.. :confused:
  2. Umm...How could determine you can 1HKO those pokes you listed? I think there are quite lot of them in your list that you can't 1HKO :Cry: since your hidden power got 49 only and it depends on the opponent's poke ivs and evs training. I'm just reminding you by my research bro, so please dun blame on me, good luck :y:
  3. You are the winner for the impish sableye. Please add me friend for the trade:D ID: supercutebbg ty. added you, and 300k for the 2nd gligar.
  4. Re: wts epic fletchling, eevee, chansey <3 <t>600k eevee</t>
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