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About Shinrei0496

Shinrei0496's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 500k for that
  2. 350k for that
  3. NVM, sorrry, wrong sever
  4. Re: Wts pvp ready epic Kabutops swift swim 24h auction <t>800k for that</t>
  5. Re: Drizzle Poli, bold <t>So? Do you sell it?</t>
  6. Thanks dude
  7. Hi there, I've moved your topic to the PvP Assistance subforum instead, as you're more likely to receive further teambuilding support there. You may also benefit from reading this guide to countering Rain teams, as that'll help you prepare counters/solutions against common Rain team counters... ironically enough. :P Good luck! Thanks you <3
  8. Can anyone have some advice to create a rain team for me, i have poli drizzle bold already, starmine and vaporeon too. Also weavile and gengar. Sorry for my bad english. I'm newbie in sever yellow too. Thanks all guys for reading
  9. Re: Drizzle Poli, bold <t>300k for that</t>
  10. haha, you really want it, right?
  11. Re: Epic adamant thickfat snorlax <t>700k for that</t>
  12. Re: Epic adamant thickfat snorlax <t>500k for that snorlax</t>
  13. 1m lucario
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