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Everything posted by Boccas

  1. Upp (Idk how to remove the quote I clicked for error from mobile xdd)
  2. I used the /trade player name,days The button on the center says lend so I trusted this window so no screens hot cause I lent at least 100 poke in the past so thought it worked I understand know that i remembered that bad and the poke will return as i send it, but idc i can even lose 40k but i want my poke back :C A random dude told me it doesnt work today... I can try to emulate again the lend when I will be off work
  3. Not true, because I Used the command we all used and the button in the trade window was "lend" not "trade" So if they disabled they still left the window. And that is misleading for a player like me that return after 2 y
  4. Up Cmon guys it s been 5hrs still no answer.. .. I just want a name pleaseee
  5. A dude offered me a lend service for my karp at 40k. I accepted and lend to him. MAYBE.... JUST MAYBE.... try to disable totally the lend service if he's broken since 2 years no? I found about this from users lol not even an alert message or stuff... btw ofc the poke didn't come back. I would know what is his name and/or if u staff can give me back my 31 31 magikarp..... Atm I lost a very nice karp and my 40k lol, what a joke u can even see all chat and check i flex it after i caught gosh i will be really broke if i lost that At the time of the trade it was lv 68 full ev trained
  6. Litwik fled with 3.5k exca
  7. Hello there, i found these think a bit problematic using the android app: - Dialogue speed option doesn't do anything. Even with max speed, the dialogue is still slow. - Can't see ability effect in the pokedex if i hold the tap on the name. - Can't see item effect in the bag like i do on pc if i move the mouse on the item. - Weather option doesn't do anything. (sorry for my bad english ^^ )
  8. found, can be closed
  9. Like title said, i wtb 75 coins or a pickaxe. Write here or pm me in game @Boccas
  10. Why nobody updates this guide? is clearly outdated :o
  11. Boccas


    Hey guys, the problem is simple. I confuse the HP green bar with the grass in the background cuz i'm daltonic. Colorblind mode? Should not be difficult
  12. 1) really this game has not protect and wish? what s the sense to do vbaporeon and umbreon if wish not in the game? What's the the to do a tank if no protect trainer? 2) I'm daltonic, i confuse green and yellow. When there is the grass background in fight, i can't totally see the HP bar...... Maybe a colorblind mode to swap the green bars with blue?
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