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Kurniawanted's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. i buy gardevoir
  2. Sold to KellsBelles 2m Thankyou thankyou for participate ...
  3. 10 hours remaining time c.o savery bump
  4. bump bump 1.7m c.o 15 hours
  5. Nick In-Game : Kurniawanted Why i love pokemon : Simple, cause i love animals, and thats, i always imagined how to have a pet like pokemon, And i love pokemon cause too many pokemon was friendly with human .... My Favorite Pokemon : Gardevoir
  6. 5cc = 1.5m bump bump 1 day left
  7. 1 days 4 hours left c.o 1.3m bump bump
  8. srbhnj99 1.1m in-game
  9. Start thedude 2 days from now
  10. Start 1m Insta 5m min raises 100k 2 days after first bid or want with cc its okay ( Each cc 300k ) ( Max 10 cc )
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