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Everything posted by Kartofelek

  1. lel i just came to make an update and i saw this post what can i say that guy is just like his nick say but there should be added liar at the end he askd me about price that was already listed as 50k so i askd what can he offer just of curiosity he easly cut price in half coz hes boss here when i told him that wa already listed as 50k and im rising it as 60k just for him coz of that "offer" he started to call me racist and blame lel quite funny situation sorry for that hard off top tho ;D
  2. Re: Gastly/Aron/Tyranitar/Eevee Epic/Good inside <t>bump-</t>
  3. [glow=red]Update 3[/glow] I made price for rest of pokemons theyr for sell atm unless ill sell them in game [glow=red]Update 2[/glow] Hi looks like its time to end bid time mr tyranitar winner contact with me when your ready to get your dinosaur Gastly price is not enough for me so i wont sell it [glow=red]Update[/glow] Lel you made it quite bizzare now but iv updated valid offer for tyranitar now its the good one Hi iv got those little ones for a sell I wont give you a starting price but you know use your head making bid or s ^^ Auction will last for about 2 days since now deepending on interest and just to let you know if your price wont pass my standarts ill hold with selling that pokemon (hopefully it wont happend) Feel free to add me in game or post your bids here ill try to update it [glow=red]50k[/glow] [glow=red]15k[/glow] [glow=red]120k [/glow] [glow=red]sold[/glow]
  4. Re: Selling Epic Guts Larvtar <t>2 mil for me</t>
  5. Re: Littlest Beldum Shop (not rly that small) <t>yes sir im in the game right now if you want to trade</t>
  6. blank
  7. It could be shroomish ability
  8. Magnemite is best idea :Grin:
  9. Usefull as hell !
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