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Everything posted by Breezi

  1. Hey are you still selling choice scarfs? I'd like to buy two for 240k.
  2. In-Game Name: Breezi Discord Tag: Cosmic#7905 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord?: Quite often What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: Having a proper channel dedicated to suggestions where anyone can vote by responding with reactions
  3. Selling it for 600k
  4. 1. What is your in game username and first name? (optional): Breezi is my in-game name 2. How old are you? 19 years 3. How many hours played do you have? 328 hours (http://prntscr.com/jqb1t6) 4. How many gym badges do you have? All 24 gym badges 5. What aspects of PRO are you most into? Currently doing bosses and hunting, trying to get into pvp by watching youtube clips. Hoping to get decent pokes before I try pvp :) (PvP, Hunting, Bossing, Trading, etc)
  5. This is awesome! Thanks for the hard work <3
  6. Looks like it was just the server. I'm able to stay on now, guessing it was just some odd connection issues. Thanks for helping me anyways ^_^ *you can lock this now*
  7. Hi there, you will need to check your connection, I suggestion reset module also. By the way, when you say lost connection, what you mean extractly? crash? Well my connection is fine, I don't have any packet loss or anything. It's just that I'm able to connect but after like 10-15 mins it would say connection lost and kick me to the home screen of the client. If I tried to re-connect after the kick the client would freeze for 20-30 seconds, it woun't let me re-join the server, but I'm able to connect to red and yellow fine.
  8. So I tried doing everything on this guide https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177 but I keep getting "connection lost". I'm able to login but then it will randomly loose connection. This just started to happen last night. I lost a dratini to this which I don't mind since it had bad iv's, but now I'm upset since I was fighting the jhoto e4 and lost connection. I'm scared to do anything because I'll end up loose progress. Is there any fix for this? It's only the blue server that I keep getting kicked from.
  9. Uhh what does H.A stand for? Sorry I'm new lol
  10. Ah, I didn't know that. Well thanks a lot, I'll make sure to catch it there.
  11. Hey, so I just got a MS today and decided to try out the safari zone. I was wondering if I am able to catch a dratini without using a rod in the membership only area? P.S I was just using surf for about an hour on the lake and didn't have any luck.
  12. Hey, thanks Shane for doing a decent giveaway. I'd like to get this mouse as my other mouse doesn't carry out the required tasks (broken left button). IGN: Breezi
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