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  1. sold, when you will be online?
  2. all karps sold, when you will be online?
  3. there is no poke screenshot, but it's Hunter and Damianwayne4 is supportive with this issue. He can't link it because it's locked =/ Silver server Poke is from Sinnoh region
  4. skippuh - there is 3 carps remaining
  5. ada gible 30k
  6. s.o for all pokemons is 20k min bid is 10k no insta .accepted payment methods :cash auctions end 24h after the first bid for EACH POKEMON 15 min rule 30 atk carp - 20 co 29 atk carp - 20 co all remaining carps - 20 co 23+ gastly - 20 co
  7. 1) Vasilisck1994 2)30+ 3)tyranitar 4)Russia 6)25 6)20.01.1994 contact via discord Vasilisck#6506
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