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  1. lookin for Shellder adamant/jolly nice ivs skill link
  2. porygon Z ... need dubious disc
  3. I cant enter in sliph co. saffron city, the agent tell me first i defeat all the team rocket... where?
  4. new pokemon
  5. Saylas


    it is said that after 500 hours of play you can access the quest for MEW , there really ? where is it? and what requirements need to receive MEW ?
  6. welcome back you all
  7. i can reset evs if u want
  8. Sell shiny gengar Offer?
  9. Re: WTB (eevee) <t>..........</t>
  10. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Deep Sea Scale + Dawn Stone] <t>assault vest : goomy, dragons den b1f<br/> <br/> toxic orb: gligar, dragons den b1f<br/> <br/> smoke ball: koffing, cinnabar mansion right?</t>
  11. [glow=red]</GLOW> Welcome guys to MY Pokemon shop <i>[/glow]</i> I can ACCEPT or REJECT your offer. <GLOW glow="blue">[glow=blue]POKE FOR SALE[/glow] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM me here or in game username [glow=black]Saylas[/glow] if you see me online here you can find me in game THANK YOU ALL
  12. to evolve certain Pokemon I need some items , reaper cloth for dusklops and up-grade and dubious disk for porygon , these items are implemented in the game ? where you can find ? and if there are , you can include them as soon as possible or you will not complete a pokemon . Thank you
  13. it is true that the stone mega evolution takes to the laboratory of Professor oak after 50 hours of play ? and if I have sold my starter what happens ? I find it the same ?
  14. Saylas


    ok ty i have found eevee in a other machine.. :)
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