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Everything posted by Johncenaa

  1. Timid 26+spd 29+ sp atk 20+def 20+spdef 20+hp Pay very well , pay more if u have Analitic Staryu/evo .
  2. Re: S>GENGAR <t>200k</t>
  3. Link is down here , i test other browser and still down . someone could pass the full url to see if I can download?
  4. Link is down ... You can pass the full url to see if I can download?
  5. Why do not you create a team based on rain? Kingdra of outspeed in all swepeers that are in the game and do not need to distribute as many points in speed for this. Kingdra can also give OKO in all sweepers with one surf / hydro pump.
  6. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide <t>where in the lake of rage is the tutor move?<br/> and because my Gyarados can not get into Lake of rage?</t>
  7. Johncenaa

    Who is better ?

    Slowbrow need Regenerator, is core ability .
  8. Insta for this charmander ? ( my english is bad sorry )
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