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  1. Soo, I'm going to be making a new account cause I cant stand being bald IG, ill post in reply to this with my new account but would you be a bro and just replace DimeBaggins on your list for when you make the guild official with whatever my name ends up being? I really wanna be apart of this guild once this game takes off still x-x
  2. Aweeesooooome :D tyty Knuckles! also, LE BUMP
  3. I agree a large amount should be paid as well, i would also like to see a fisherman skill with the others here, able to find pokemon with a higher chance to be holding something, or maybe make it similar to digging cept when you beat a pokemon you hooked you could get an ether or something? Orrrr, what about the hunter getting a discount on like pokeballs as well? give it a requirement like having to have beaten the e4 in that region
  4. I have read the rules, fairly simple to follow. As for what brought me here you guys seem to be the most active, im pretty much just looking for some people to chat with whilst I hunt for my perfect team. I dont find the game to be fully an MMO until ive found a group of people to mess around with. And surprisingly all my buddies dont wanna play this game. Im just some guy who works from home who enjoys pokemon all to much for the most part tho
  5. Could I get an invite into the guild? IGN: DimeBaggins I need some people to bask in the glory that is PRO with
  6. It honestly depends on the environment your watching it in, My wife and I both live with a roommate who also watches anime. So with three of us watching it, its realllly awkward watching it subbed for the simple fact that you cant even have a conversation. With it being dubbed its much better for the three of us. And ive been watching anime since i was like 11 and was strictly subs for like 6 of those years. So yes, i'm totally aware of the difference but I still don't think its near enough to say a dubbed version "ruins" an anime.
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