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Everything posted by Lavida

  1. litwick 950k
  2. close pls
  3. hey i want buy a magmar armor camerupt and a brick break rampardos for mega stone quest just add me ingame Lavida or in discord lavida#2648
  4. Hello community i want to buy a gible or evo impish h.a with good stats. pm me ingame: Lavida discord lavida#2648
  5. hey i want buy the shuckle pm me ingame Lavida
  6. hy everyone i want to buy a shuckle calm sturdy msg me ingame Lavida
  7. sold pls close
  8. 1.2m or offer here or ingame ingame name Lavida
  9. nvm
  10. yes the rontom wash 2m
  11. wanna buy rontom :)
  12. im interested on togekiss
  13. https://prntscr.com/hptws4Dear stuff the best thing u done is open shinno and make so much work in the small things and events the best thing in the game is the game since i heard that the game exists i am young again :)
  14. price for shiny garde or dragonite ?
  15. wtb magnemite or evos timid magnet pull ha fire !!!!!!!
  16. ok canceld
  17. Re: Nov.24 Public Shopping Center <t>i want buy e 450k donphan</t>
  18. how much for entai mount and red party hat ?
  19. hi i wanna join blaze :) ingame name Lavida im from austria :9 my fav poke is gyarados cuz he evolved from a fish and grows too a beast (respeckt the kapador ) :) my goal is collect good and rare pokes and build a pvp team im 28 years old all regions done 330 hours played pvp team i say no i dont have a pvp team ^^ its would be nice to join the guild and play and talk with some pokemon nerds like me
  20. Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" <t>1. 275 hours<br/> 2. all regions done<br/> 3. pvp and trade the good ones<br/> 4. i think its better to be with other people and we can powerfarm or trde some u know<br/> 5. i like it to help other people</t>
  21. HELLO and WELCOME TO MY SHOP Rules 1)Auction of 24-48 hours , depending on poke , starts when i meet a satisfying offer 2) I have the right to cancel auction if i change my mind 3)ms=250k 4)have fun xD 5)more pokes from hoen and other region added im just farming https://prntscr.com/bnl33p forretress start/300k https://prntscr.com/bnl3dl cloyster start/150k https://prntscr.com/bnl3lr salamance start/400k https://prntscr.com/bnl3s9 arcanine start/300k https://prntscr.com/bnl41g [glow=green]shiny machamp[/glow] start/450k https://prntscr.com/bnl4h1 clefable start/400k
  22. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [updated Epics and Shinies] <t>400k for machamp</t>
  23. hi guys ingame name: lavida badges/ingame time: 16/16 230 hours my goal in pro is find nice pokemons and friends ingame to make a good time ingame i can use discord i can use teamspeak skype or what ever too you should accept me for your guild i like pokemon and i like it to play with other nice guys and more people from 1 guild have more fun and can do alot more im a teamplayer and nearly ever day 4-8 hours online timezone: utc+01:00 would be great to be a part of a big shadow ;)
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