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Everything posted by Cocofiore

  1. Finally found someone selling a really good pokemon that I've been hunting for and right when I went to meet them to buy it, the game frickin disconnected for the BILLIONTH time.
  2. The yellow server is always going down? I kinda regret choosing that one since it goes down a lot compared to the other two )':
  3. You get hit by an invisible queue. People tend to call it Ghost queue. You'll still login eventually, you just can't see any player counts. Waiting patiently will fix your issue. Best regards. Oh alright. Thank you! <3
  4. I can log on (and get put in queue) on the other servers, but when I try to go on yellow, it says logging on... And then nothing happens ; n ; It doesn't put me in queue or anything. Is this happening to anyone else?
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