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Skyflair's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. caught it today :)
  2. shop updated.
  3. shop updated.
  4. Push~~
  5. I mean pvp coins my mistake
  6. I thought for something like this for a while. What do you guys think about implementing daily quests for pvp? like for example: win one game and you will get 5 pvp points each day. It would obviously raise the amount of players trying to pvp.
  7. update~
  8. If he didn't make a screenshot he can't Kevin.. if Braj is nice to you maybe he can show you that he has the Skarmory. But let's be honest you really don't care about all this you just want to know what he has traded for it for your own interest not about fake selling or whatever reasons.
  9. If you guys would start bidding here instead of pleading the guys to pm you for maybe buying the shinies for cheap you would have not missed this shiny. He told clearly he will sell it until Friday night (Braj was the one with the highest offer here) while you guys waited him to pm you? Hello? No reason to show any evidences if you guys wanna buy it, man up and give your offers here.
  10. Good day Pro Players, Pro Staff, in general the MOTD we have in Pro has one big disadvantage. You can see the Guild news only by opening the social tab and you also only can write a certain number of letters in it. So i thought if it is possible to change it to a window which appears if you open the game and you have to close the windows/popup would make it even way better. Why iam asking this? Because the motd is easy to overlook and practically nobody is looking for news there which is hard for every guild leader/officer to communicate if not everybody uses discord or look in the motd. I made a small picture how the window/popup could look like. greetings sky
  11. bammm..
  12. push...
  13. bump,.,
  14. If You really want a common and safe switch-in to Rhyperior it's probably "Skarmory" and before you say "Stone Edge" ..yes it can 2hko (with 2 lowest rolls its 3hko// 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 162-192 (48.5 - 57.4%)) but you will "NEVER" do a Stone Edge on a switch if "yes" and you miss against any other Counter because of a miss you definitely deserved to lose. And if you insist you expect a Skarmory all the time, Skarmory still can "Roost" (16 points in Speed, Skarm will be faster) until you miss. Otherwise the Argumenation from you that you can switch out after giving damage and bring him later in is also invalid since you also get damage in the next round to your next Pokemon because of your switch. It's a not win-win Situation for either side. And the last Point is Rhyperiors Ability "Solid Rock" doesn't work that means you even can get into a Situation where you will never been able to bring him in safely.
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